Values, Enthusiasm and Belonging as Motivators in Teacher Students' Choice of Profession and Development of Teacher Identities


  • Audhild Løhre Sør-Trøndelag University College, Norway
  • Elin Moen Sør-Trøndelag University College, Norway
  • Randi Etnan Sør-Trøndelag University College, Norway
  • Marit Andersen Educational and Psychological Counselling Service Horten, Norway
  • Marit Uthus Sør-Trøndelag University College, Norway


I denne artikkelen presenteres en kvalitativ studie om lærerstudenters motivasjon for å bli lærere. Studiens empiriske grunnlag er 40 studentlogger, alle skrevet av 1. årsstudenter på lærerutdanningen. I loggene reflekterer studentene over sin motivasjon for å bli lærer, samt om denne motivasjonen har endret seg i løpet av studiets 1. semester. Studiens sentrale funn baserer seg på empiriske data fra studentloggene. Funnene er presentert og diskutert innenfor studiens seks kategorier (1) til elevens beste (2) samfunnsoppdraget, (3) ankerfeste i forbilder (4) egne mestringserfaringer, (5) en understøttende praksisperiode og (6) men, hva med utdanningsinstitusjonen. Studien er forankret i Banduras sosialkognitive teori, med særlig fokus på ulike kilder til mestringsforventning. Vi velger også å benytte oss av teoretiske perspektiver på tilhørighet og engasjement, siden dette viste seg å være betydningsfulle faktorer for studentenes motivasjon for å bli lærere.

English abstract

Values, Enthusiasm and Belonging as Motivators in Teacher Students' Choice of Profession and Development of Teacher Identities

Little research has been done in Norway about what motivates students to choose a career in teaching. This is a qualitative study aimed at examining students’ motivation for becoming teachers, as well as examining if the Teacher Education program of study promoted their motivation and development as teachers. The study is anchored in motivation theory about mastery experiences and values. In addition, we choose to make use of theoretical perspectives involving Bildung, engagement and connectedness to school, since these revealed themselves to be important in the students’ motivation, both before and during their studies. The empirical basis for this study is 40 student logs, all written halfway through the first year of study. The texts are studied using qualitative analysis. The study’s findings are presented in six categories: For the Wellbeing of School Children; Social Commitment; Inspiring Influences; Previous Accomplishments; Fundamental Importance of the Student Practicum period; and But, What About the Teacher Training College? Values, engagement and the sense of connectedness to school emerge throughout the students’ writings as important sources of motivation. The students’ experiences from their practicum period seem to have strengthened their identity as teachers. However, it is uncertain as to what influence the Teacher Training College has had on their sense of connectedness and identity.

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How to Cite

Løhre, A., Moen, E., Etnan, R., Andersen, M., & Uthus, M. (2016). Values, Enthusiasm and Belonging as Motivators in Teacher Students’ Choice of Profession and Development of Teacher Identities. Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk, 2(1).



Original Research Articles


lærerstudenter, mestringsforventning, engasjement, danning, skoletilhørighet