Call for paper: Special issue on prevention of prejudice and discrimination in school and teacher education


The education systems in the Nordic countries have long traditions in promoting democratic values. The school’s focus on democracy, citizenship and inclusion goes hand in hand with the work for prevention of prejudice, group focused enmity and discrimination. This requires a strengthening of professional competence.

In addition to basic knowledge of the phenomena of prejudice, root causes and consequences, the actors in the field of education need to broaden their understanding of principles, working methods and practices contributing to positive change and long-term prevention. This also includes self-reflection and critical understanding of how established practices, institutional and societal frameworks help create and maintain other government and outsiders.

A survey conducted by the University of Stavanger in 2017 underlines the need for such professional competence. The survey shows that topics such as prejudice, discrimination and group hostility are poorly represented in the literature in a number of teacher education programs, and that teachers at these institutions find it difficult to teach such topics. In this special issue, we will gather research-based contributions that meet these challenges.

The following perspectives and topics will be of interest:
• knowledge about othering mechanisms, prejudice and group focused enmity in school
• knowledge about hate speech in school and youth culture
• norm-critical perspectives on prejudice and discrimination in school
• professional ethical perspectives on relational competence and self-reflection
• the role of the teacher, school head and the importance of communities of practice
• subject specific and interdisciplinary approaches towards prejudice and discrimination
• theoretical pedagogical perspectives combining theories of learning and attitude formation
• comprehensive school strategies in preventive work
• Interaction between school, home, and other institutions and authorities
• educational policy frameworks

The above points are not thematically binding and the list is not exhaustive. We especially ask for contributions that discuss challenges, dilemmas or paradoxes related to educational responses to prejudice, enmity and discrimination. We also want to present innovative articles that combine empirical findings with existing challenges in the school, teacher's professional practices and school development within the societal and political frameworks.

The aforementioned challenges apply to many Western countries, and the issues related to the prevention of prejudice and discrimination are therefore relevant to educational systems across borders. Comparative contributions are welcome.

NEW deadline for upload: 17.04 2020. Contributions can be submitted in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and English.
For more information and submission of manuscripts see
All articles undergo double blind peer review.
Include "Prevention of Group Hostility" in the title or send a message to the journal editor that the article is intended for the theme number.

Articles should not exceed 6000 words. Detailed author guidelines can be found here.

Guest editors
Trine Anker / MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society.

Claudia Lenz / MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society. Email: