Kronikker og bokmeldinger ønskes


Nordic Journal of Pedagogy and Critique is a scientific, Open Access journal publishing articles written in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and English.

We are pleased to invite  authors to submits commentaries and book reviews for consideration. The journal aims to establish an arena for considered and critical analysis of educational and developmental processes, where the authors can contribute to a forum where pedagogy’s various normative, social, historical, cultural and political dimensions can be debated.

Commentaries and book reviews will be evaluated by the editorial team. Manuscripts should not exceed 1500 words and may be written in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English. More details and author guidelines can be found on our website.

Please submit your commentary or book review directly via our portal. 

Best regards,

Maria Øksnes, Einar Sundsdal, Lars Løvlie and Vegard Kvam

Editors of Nordic Journal of Pedagogy and Critique