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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I, the submitting author, warrant that I shall be the point of contact throughout the peer review and proofreading process (if applicable).
  • I warrant that we have strictly followed the Author Guidelines.
  • I am authorized by all co-authors to submit this version of the manuscript and to be their spokesperson during the review process and beyond.
  • This manuscript – or a very similar version – has not been previously published, and is not under consideration elsewhere.
  • The submitted manuscript is original. Neither it nor any illustration, supplementary material or any part thereof, are in any way in violation of any existing original or derivative copyright.
  • The submitted manuscript contains nothing obscene, indecent, objectionable or libelous according to generally accepted norms.
  • Any interests that might impair the credibility of the manuscript are disclosed in the cover letter to the Editor, that may be uploaded as supplementary material during step four of the submisssion process.
  • If submitting a research article, I, the submitting author, confirm that the research meets ethical guidelines, including adherence to the legal requirements of the study country. I confirm that all necessary consents and approvals have been obtained, and that the research and publication has been approved by the relevant ethics committee/review board where this is required.
  • The submitted manuscript is anonymised. See Ensuring a blind review.

Author Guidelines

Preparing for submission

Manuscripts submitted to Nordic Journal of Pedagogy and Critique should strictly follow the specifications in Author guidelines.

  1. You must provide a complete manuscript as a Word document, including abstract and keywords, and with all figures/tables/graphics/images and legends placed in their correct places within the text. You must make sure that the manuscript has been properly edited with regards to language and formatting, as described in the author guidelines.
  2. Regular articles should not exceed 6000 words, including references, abstract and acknowledgements. Manuscripts that greatly exceed this will be reviewed critically with respect to length.
  3. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, you must make sure that the identity of the authors remains unknown to the reviewers. You must remove the author’s names from the properties of the file. Please go to Ensuring a Blind Review for instructions. Check that the text of your manuscript is also "blinded", that is to say, any references within the manuscript which might reveal you to be the author are removed.
  4. Title page: When submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, you must upload the title page separately.
  5. Abstract: You must add metadata during the submission process and the same abstract and keywords that you have included in the manuscript.

A manuscript submitted to the journal does not duplicate any other previously published work, including your own. The manuscript should not be under consideration elsewhere. Please note that the submitting author will be the principal contact for editorial correspondence, throughout the peer review and proofreading process, if applicable.






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