About the Journal


Nordic Journal of Pedagogy and Critique will create an arena for considered and critical analysis of educational and developmental processes. Pedagogy – historical and current – delineates the range of subjects the journal covers. It will be a place for new ideas and generate analyses that advance fresh perspectives on pedagogical issues and institutions.

The journal’s ambition is to contribute to the discourse on pedagogical ideas and practice through articles with a well-reasoned approach. The critical perspective indicates the necessary analysis of and discussion about pedagogical theory and practice. The objective is to hone pedagogical modes of thought and action in the direction of respect for human worth and nature, justice, democracy, solidarity, tolerance and humanity.

Nordic Journal of Pedagogy and Critique aims to contribute to a forum where pedagogy’s various normative, social, historical, cultural and political dimensions can be debated. The journal will be a critical home with many points of entry into an understanding of pedagogy’s multifaceted activity.