Call for papers: Pædagogikkens betydning for børn og unge i trivsel og mistrivsel


See version in English below.

I dette temanummer af Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk sætter vi fokus på pædagogikkens betydning for børn og unges trivsel, og bekymringer om mistrivsel, i de nordiske velfærdsstater.

Børn og unges liv i de nordiske velfærdsstater udgøres af deltagelse i en samlet institutionskæde1, der karakteriserer velfærdsstaternes børn- og ungepolitik, hvor stort set alle børn er i dagtilbud inden skolestart, der er gratis og obligatorisk skolegang for alle, samt fritidshjem/SFO for børn i alderen 5–10 år, såvel som etablering af såkaldte special- og socialpædagogiske indsatser til børn og unge, der vurderes at have behov herfor.

En samlet institutionskæde viser hen til, at der ikke på noget tidspunkt i børn og unges opvækst og hverdag ikke er en eller anden form for deltagelse i samfundsmæssigt arrangerede pædagogiske institutioner, uanset om der er fokus på læring, trivsel, udvikling eller på vurderinger af såkaldte vanskeligheder forbundet hertil. Den samlede institutionskæde udgør og organiserer børne- og ungeliv og er ligeledes karakteriseret ved, at alle børn og unge følges af forskellige fagprofessionelle, der hører til velfærdsstatens professioner, og hvor pædagogikken synes at skulle håndtere stadig flere og mere komplicerede opgaver.

Hvad der særligt synes at være i fokus på tværs af de nordiske velfærdsstater er børn og unges trivsel og bekymringer om mistrivsel, særligt med opmærksomhed på at alle børn og unges hverdag og udvikling, læring og trivsel er tæt forbundet til deltagelse i pædagogiske institutioner. Både politikere, forskere og praktikere er optaget af, hvordan forskellige pædagogiske institutioner og den pædagogik, der folder sig ud her, kan fremme børn og unges trivsel og forebygge oplevelser og erfaringer med mistrivsel.

Mens trivsel forbindes til oplevelser af glæde, tilfredshed, oplevelser af at høre til og deltagelse i fællesskaber, synes mistrivsel imidlertid at fungere som en form for paraplybegreb, der omfatter flere og samtidige begreber som fx børn og unge i risiko, børn og unge, der skal udredes for udviklingsrelaterede diagnoser, eller børn og unge, der vokser op under sårbare og udsatte livsforhold. Der peges endvidere på ”stigende mistrivsel”, der fx folder sig ud i andelen af børn og unge, der henvises til udredning i børne- og ungdomspsykiatrien for mistanke om udviklingsrelaterede diagnoser og tilsvarende, hvorledes børn og unge synes at opleve stigende mistrivsel i skoleårene, ungdomsuddannelser og generelt i ungdomslivet.

Pædagogik kan i denne sammenhæng både forstås som et særligt fagfelt og som en praksis, der finder sted i forskellige velfærdsstatslige institutioner, og med ovenstående afsæt inviterer vi med dette temanummer til bidrag, der på forskellige måder udforsker og analyserer børn og unges trivsel og mistrivsel i forhold til pædagogik, institutioner og samfund og samspillet herimellem:

  • artikler, der teoretisk og/eller empirisk er optaget af børn og unges hverdagsliv i velfærdsstatslige institutioner, fx dagtilbud, skole og fritids- og ungdomsklubber, med et særligt blik på, hvordan pædagogikken for alvor er kommet under pres i forhold til at skulle håndtere trivsel, men også en stadig stigende mistrivsel, samt professionernes rolle i arbejdet med at skulle ”løse” dette.
  • bidrag, der går på tværs af de nordiske velfærdsstater og foretager sammenlignende diskussioner og analyser af pædagogik og pædagogiske institutioner i de forskellige nordiske lande, og som fx inddrager analyser af velfærdsstatspolitiske tiltag, der får betydning for forståelser af trivsel og mistrivsel i pædagogik.


Såfremt man ønsker at bidrage til temaet, kan man senest den 31. januar 2024 uploade et abstract på maksimalt 2400 enheder via tidsskriftets platform. Fremsendelse af abstract fremgår af retningslinjer for tidsskriftet. Abstract markeres med præfikset "TRIVSEL_".

Der kan forventes svar på, om artikelforslaget er accepteret til videre arbejde senest den 29. februar 2024
Deadline for første version af artiklerne er den 28. juni 2024.

Herefter vil artiklerne gennemgå almindelig redaktionel behandling og gå videre til ekstern fagfællebedømmelse (peer-review).

Endelig deadline for aflevering af revideret artikel er december 2024, og temanummeret forventes at udkomme februar 2025. Retningslinjer for manuskriptet fremgår af nedenstående hjemmeside.

For yderligere information om retningslinjer for artikler:

Kontakt Journal Manager Niklas Sandberg, hvis du har spørgsmål vedrørende indsendelsesprocessen eller platformen:


Kirsten Elisa Petersen, lektor, ph.d., DPU, Aarhus Universitet (Danmark), Anne Morin, lektor, ph.d. DPU, Aarhus Universitet, Jude K. Tah, adjunkt, PhD, Stockholms universitet (Sverige), og Stine Vik, lektor, PhD, Universitetet i Stavanger, (Norge).

1 Begrebet samlet institutionskæde er i denne sammenhæng udviklet med inspiration fra Andenæs (2011), der anvender begrebet omsorgskæder, der viser hen til, at både forældre og pædagoger i dagtilbud udgør hver deres vigtige dele af den samlede omsorgskæde for små børn (Petersen, in prep). 


Call for papers: The importance of pedagogy for children and young people in well-being and decline in well-being

In this theme issue of Nordic Journal of Pedagogy & Critique we focus on the importance of pedagogy for the well-being of children and young people and concerns in terms of decline in well-being in the Nordic welfare states.

The lives of children and young people in the Nordic welfare states form part of participation in an integrated chain of institution1, characterizing the welfare states’ child and youth policy. Virtually all children attend daycare before school start, schooling is compulsory and free of charge for all as well as after-school care/SFO, for children aged 5–10 years, as well as the establishment of so-called special and social pedagogical efforts for children and young people considered in need.

An entire chain of institution shows that the upbringing and everyday life of children and young people at no point is without some form of participation in socially organized pedagogical institutions, regardless of whether the focus is on learning, well-being, development, or on assessments of so-called difficulties associated with this. The entire institutional chain constitutes and organizes children’s and young people’s lives and is also characterized by the fact that all children and young people are followed by various professionals who belong to the welfare state’s professions, in which the pedagogy seems to have to handle more and complicated tasks.

A particular focus across the Nordic welfare states seems to be the well-being of children and young people and concerns about decline in well-being, particularly with attention to the fact that all children and young people’s everyday life and development, learning and well-being are associated with participation in pedagogical institutions. Politicians as well as researchers and practitioners are concerned with how different pedagogical institutions and the pedagogy that they unfold here can promote the well-being of children and young people and prevent decline in well-being.

While well-being is associated with experiences of joy, satisfaction, a sense of belonging and participation in communities, decline in well-being seems to function as an umbrella concept that includes several and simultaneous concepts such as children and young people at risk, children and young people who must undergo development-related diagnostic investigations, or children and young people who grow up in vulnerable and exposed living conditions. An “increasing decline in well-being” is also pointed out, which, for example, unfolds as the proportion of children and young people who are referred to development-related diagnostic investigations and correspondingly in child and adolescent psychiatry, how an increasing decline in well-being for children and young people seems to turn up during the school years, youth education and youth life in general.

In this context, pedagogy can be seen as a particular field and as a practice that takes place in different welfare state institutions, and with the above, we invite contributions to this theme issue which in various ways explore and analyze children’s and young people’s well-being and decline in well-being related to pedagogy, institutions and society and the interaction between.

  • Articles that theoretically and/or empirically engage in the everyday life of children and young people in the welfare state institutions, e.g. day care, school, and leisure and youth clubs, and with a particular view on how pedagogy is pressured related to dealing with well-being, but also an increasingly decline in well-being and the role of the various professions on how to “solve” this.
  • Contributions that run across the Nordic welfare states and carry out comparative discussions and analyzes of pedagogy and pedagogical institutions in the various Nordic countries, and which, for example, include analyzes of welfare state policy initiatives that have an impact on understandings of well-being and decline in well-being in pedagogy.


If you wish to contribute to the theme, you must no later than January 31st, 2024 upload an abstract of a maximum of 2400 units via the journal’s platform. Submission of the abstract appears from the journal’s guidelines. Mark the abstract with the prefix "TRIVSEL_".

An answer to whether the article proposal has been accepted for further work can be expected no later than February 29th 2024.

The deadline for the first version of the articles is June 28th 2024. The articles will then undergo ordinary editorial preparation and external peer review.

The final deadline for submitting the revised article is December 2024, and the theme issue is expected to be published in February 2025. Guidelines for the manuscript can be found on the homepage mentioned below. The article must be of maximum 10 pages (2400 units per page) excl. abstract and references.

For additional information on article guidelines:

Contact Journal Manager Niklas Sandberg if you have questions concerning the submission process or platform:

Theme editors:

Kirsten Elisa Petersen, Associate Professor, PhD, DPU, Aarhus University (Denmark), Anne Morin, Associate Professor, PhD, DPU, Aarhus University (Denmark) Jude K. Tah, Assistant professor, PhD, University of Stockholm, (Sweden), and Stine Vik, associate professor, PhD, University of Stavanger, (Norway).

1 In this context, the concept of an integrated institutional chain has been developed with inspiration from Andenæs (2011), who uses the concept of care chains, which points to the fact that both parents and pedagogues in day care each form important parts of the overall care chain for young children (Petersen, in prep).